On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 07:36:19PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
The minimum of three votes is clearly flawed if you look at the pkgstats usage and compare the number of votes. In fact, I linked to another plot which clearly shows this. The number 20 was a guideline that was around when I first joined as a TU and if you look at the pkgstats results and try separating packages with more or less that 1% usage, the optimal number of votes arrives very near to 20 so I stuck with it.
My point in a three vote minimum was to prevent blatant exploitation of [community]. There's nothing flawed about it. The repo should be allowed a fair amount of leeway in terms of what is included. This isn't [core] or [extra] after all. At this point I wouldn't agree with anything higher than a five vote minimum.
participants (1)
Loui Chang