[aur-general] VOTE: Timm Preetz (gummibaerchen)
Sorry for the delay, I forgot to start this last Friday and I still don't have internet at home. I introduced Timm as a candidate here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-December/006351.html Timm added some more about himself here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-December/006359.html Now let's vote! (TUs only of course) You've got one week. My vote: YES Bjørn
YES Very best regards; Bob Finch Liviu Librescu - În veci pomenirea lui. (May his memory be eternal.)
On Dec 17, 2007 7:03 PM, Bjørn Lindeijer <bjorn@lindeijer.nl> wrote:
Now let's vote! (TUs only of course) You've got one week.
YES -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
On Mon 2007-12-17 11:03 , Bjørn Lindeijer wrote:
[...] Now let's vote! (TUs only of course) You've got one week.
YES. -- Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino Arch Linux Trusted User Please send personal email to themolok@gmail.com Public Key http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFE0270FB GPG Key ID = 1024D / FE0270FB 2007-04-11 Key Fingerprint = 9AF8 9011 F271 450D 59CF 2D7D 96C9 8F2A FE02 70FB
Yes. -- Jaroslaw Swierczynski <swiergot@gmail.com> www.archlinux.org | www.juvepoland.com
2007/12/17, Bjørn Lindeijer <bjorn@lindeijer.nl>:
Now let's vote! (TUs only of course) You've got one week.
YES -- Giovanni Scafora Arch Linux Trusted User (voidnull) http://www.archlinux.org linuxmania@gmail.com
Yes. -- . : [ + carpe diem totus tuus + ] : .
Abstain. Varun
On Dec 17, 2007 7:03 AM, Bjørn Lindeijer <bjorn@lindeijer.nl> wrote:
Now let's vote! (TUs only of course) You've got one week.
YES! -- []'s Hugo Doria http://hdoria.archlinux-br.org GNU/Linux user #359340 - http://counter.li.org
On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:21:49 -0300 "Hugo Doria" <hugodoria@gmail.com> wrote:
On Dec 17, 2007 7:03 AM, Bjørn Lindeijer <bjorn@lindeijer.nl> wrote:
Now let's vote! (TUs only of course) You've got one week.
Abstain ( sorry if I didn't post for previous vote - my spam filter blocked all emails :( . -- JJDaNiMoTh - ArchLinux Trusted User
Yes. Alex
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007, Bjørn Lindeijer wrote:
Don't count me in the quorum. I'm setting myself as inactive starting from today. Eric -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
There's only 2 days left, anyone who hasn't voted yet MUST or else we will not meet quorum and Timm Preetz cannot be voted in as per the bylaws. As far as I can tell we need only one more vote in order to meet quorum. -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
On Dec 22, 2007 11:11 AM, Callan Barrett <wizzomafizzo@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, i guessed that i had already voted. But when i was seeing the thread in gmail i did not voted yet. So, my vote is YES =) -- ThreePointsWeb http://www.threepointsweb.com
YES --vk
YES. -- i try to keep the wolf at the door...
Manuel Espinoza: Who are you? If you're not a Trusted User you must not vote in these threads. I'm not sure why this thread hasn't been closed but I've already tried to contact Bjorn without much luck so I might as well. I count 15 yes votes and 2 abstains, that means we've reached quorum and Timm Preetz is now a Trusted User, congratulations! Yanked from Roman: Now you have to: 1. send the output of htpasswd -n <userid> to Simo (htpasswd is in apache package AFAIR) 2. contact Eric to change your account on forums 3. ask some TU for the #archlinux-tu @ freenode key 4. add yourself to http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users 5. read http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_Trusted_User_Guidelines and http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AURtools_Tutorial again 6. start contributing! I've updated your AUR account already. -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
On 12/31/07, Timm Preetz <timm@preetz.us> wrote:
My thanks also to Callan for stepping in and congratulations to Timm for becoming a TU! I'm sorry that the voting period ended basically at the start of my holiday, and I couldn't find the time to take care of it. Thanks, Bjørn
participants (20)
Aaron Schaefer
Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino
Alexander Fehr
Bjørn Lindeijer
Callan Barrett
Douglas Andrade
Eric Belanger
Giovanni Scafora
Hugo Doria
Jaroslaw Swierczynski
Jeff Mickey
Manuel Espinoza
Mikko Seppälä
Timm Preetz
Varun Acharya
Vesa Kaihlavirta
Vinay Shastry