[aur-general] VOTE: pressh (Ronald van Haren)
Hi! This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-) Now, let the voting begins! And for the first time in the history - I vote in the starting message (I always forgot before). :-P My vote is, obviously, Yes. You have 1 week to vote. -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
I vote YES !! (bfinch)
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
And for the first time in the history - I vote in the starting message (I always forgot before). :-P
My vote is, obviously, Yes.
You have 1 week to vote.
-- Roman Kyrylych (ÀÞÜÐÝ ºØàØÛØç) _______________________________________________ aur-general mailing list aur-general@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-general
Liviu Librescu - În veci pomenirea lui. (May his memory be eternal.)
On Dec 7, 2007 12:41 AM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
Now, let the voting begins!
PKGBUILDs look solid. YES from me. -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
YES for Ronald
On Dec 6, 2007 10:41 AM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren).
Now, let the voting begins!
Yes. -- Jaroslaw Swierczynski <swiergot@gmail.com> www.archlinux.org | www.juvepoland.com
2007/12/6, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
Now, let the voting begins!
Yes. -- Giovanni Scafora Arch Linux Trusted User (voidnull) http://www.archlinux.org linuxmania@gmail.com
Yes! 2007/12/7, Giovanni Scafora <linuxmania@gmail.com>:
2007/12/6, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
Now, let the voting begins!
-- Giovanni Scafora Arch Linux Trusted User (voidnull) http://www.archlinux.org linuxmania@gmail.com
_______________________________________________ aur-general mailing list aur-general@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-general
On Dec 6, 2007 9:11 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
Now, let the voting begins!
Yes. Varun
Varun Acharya escreveu:
On Dec 6, 2007 9:11 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
Now, let the voting begins!
_______________________________________________ aur-general mailing list aur-general@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-general
Yes -- Douglas Soares de Andrade ThreePointsWeb - www.threepointsweb.com Python, Zope e Plone Archlinux Trusted User - dsa Quote: Old programmers never die; they exit to a higher shell.
yes On Dec 7, 2007 10:38 AM, Douglas Soares de Andrade <dsandrade@gmail.com> wrote:
Varun Acharya escreveu:
On Dec 6, 2007 9:11 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
Now, let the voting begins!
_______________________________________________ aur-general mailing list aur-general@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-general
-- Douglas Soares de Andrade ThreePointsWeb - www.threepointsweb.com Python, Zope e Plone Archlinux Trusted User - dsa Quote: Old programmers never die; they exit to a higher shell.
_______________________________________________ aur-general mailing list aur-general@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-general
-- Best Regards
Jesse Woo <jessewoo@gmail.com> and Mathias Burén <mathias.buren@gmail.com>, I see no information about either of you being Trusted Users. You're not supposed to vote in this thread or any other threads like it (those for voting in new TUs) as these are for TUs only. Please do not do it again. -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
Doh! Sorry! I apologize. / Mathias 2007/12/7, Callan Barrett <wizzomafizzo@gmail.com>:
Jesse Woo <jessewoo@gmail.com> and Mathias Burén <mathias.buren@gmail.com>, I see no information about either of you being Trusted Users. You're not supposed to vote in this thread or any other threads like it (those for voting in new TUs) as these are for TUs only. Please do not do it again.
-- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
_______________________________________________ aur-general mailing list aur-general@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-general
On Dec 6, 2007 4:41 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
YES Bjørn
I apologize. Terribly sorry. On Dec 7, 2007 5:56 PM, Bjørn Lindeijer <bjorn@lindeijer.nl> wrote:
On Dec 6, 2007 4:41 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
_______________________________________________ aur-general mailing list aur-general@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-general
-- Best Regards
On Dec 6, 2007 12:41 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
Now, let the voting begins!
yes! ;) -- []'s Hugo Doria http://hdoria.archlinux-br.org GNU/Linux user #359340 - http://counter.li.org
On Thu 2007-12-06 17:41 , Roman Kyrylych wrote:
Now, let the voting begins!
Abstain. -- Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino Arch Linux Trusted User Please send personal email to themolok@gmail.com Public Key http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFE0270FB GPG Key ID = 1024D / FE0270FB 2007-04-11 Key Fingerprint = 9AF8 9011 F271 450D 59CF 2D7D 96C9 8F2A FE02 70FB
On Dec 6, 2007 9:11 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
Now, let the voting begins!
Abstain -- Vinay S Shastry http://thenub.one09.net
On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 17:41:42 +0200 "Roman Kyrylych" <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
Yes :) - filoktetes
Yes. Shinlun
2007/12/6, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
And for the first time in the history - I vote in the starting message (I always forgot before). :-P
My vote is, obviously, Yes.
You have 1 week to vote.
Only 16 TUs voted. You have 2 days left, please be more active! -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
Yes. Alex
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Roman Kyrylych wrote:
2007/12/6, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
And for the first time in the history - I vote in the starting message (I always forgot before). :-P
My vote is, obviously, Yes.
You have 1 week to vote.
Only 16 TUs voted. You have 2 days left, please be more active!
I vote: YES Eric -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
2007/12/11, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
2007/12/6, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
And for the first time in the history - I vote in the starting message (I always forgot before). :-P
My vote is, obviously, Yes.
You have 1 week to vote.
Only 16 TUs voted. You have 2 days left, please be more active!
total - 33 active - 31 "officially", ~27 in reality voted - 18 yes - 16 abstain - 2 According to TU Bylaws we have not reached the quorum. This is what I was worried about in past. Please be more active! Given the fact that the majority of active TUs voted and majority of votes were "yes" I think it is reasonable to bring pressh into our group. If someone objects - please specify reasons. AFAIR we already had a couple of discussions about the status and future of TU Bylaws - I think it's time to produce a some result from them now, because if we'll follow our current TU Bylaws strictly and there still will be problems with quorum - they became a limiting factor. If someone of TUs not voted in this thread wants to do this now - you're welcome. All discussions about TU Bylaws and the current situation with TUs becoming inactive without a notice message on this ML - please create another thread. I doubt I could take part in them because of reasons I will post shortly on all general MLs. Bye all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
2007/12/18, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
2007/12/11, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
2007/12/6, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
This message starts a voting period for pressh (Ronald van Haren). His introduction is here: http://archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2007-November/006260.html The discussion period was extremly quiet (0 messages!), I encourage you to be more active! (see previous threads for a reason). ;-)
Now, let the voting begins!
And for the first time in the history - I vote in the starting message (I always forgot before). :-P
My vote is, obviously, Yes.
You have 1 week to vote.
Only 16 TUs voted. You have 2 days left, please be more active!
total - 33 active - 31 "officially", ~27 in reality voted - 18 yes - 16 abstain - 2
According to TU Bylaws we have not reached the quorum. This is what I was worried about in past. Please be more active!
Given the fact that the majority of active TUs voted and majority of votes were "yes" I think it is reasonable to bring pressh into our group. If someone objects - please specify reasons. AFAIR we already had a couple of discussions about the status and future of TU Bylaws - I think it's time to produce a some result from them now, because if we'll follow our current TU Bylaws strictly and there still will be problems with quorum - they became a limiting factor.
If someone of TUs not voted in this thread wants to do this now - you're welcome. All discussions about TU Bylaws and the current situation with TUs becoming inactive without a notice message on this ML - please create another thread.
I doubt I could take part in them because of reasons I will post shortly on all general MLs. Bye all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Well, noone responded here and pressh is still not yet officially a TU, which is not a good thing. Since noone objected I assume everyone is fine with welcoming Ronald to our community. ;-) @Ronald: sorry, this took so much time... Welcome abroad! Now you have to: 1. send the output of htpasswd -n <userid> to Simo (htpasswd is in apache package AFAIR) 2. contact Eric to change your account on forums 3. ask some TU for the #archlinux-tu @ freenode key (I'm not sure if you can catch me because of my "no internet" status) 4. add yourself to http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users 5. read http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_Trusted_User_Guidelines and http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AURtools_Tutorial again 6. start contributing! -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
Wow, that's a very good way to start the new year!! I want to thank everyone who took the time to vote, and most of all I want to thank Roman for sponsoring me! Now it is time for me to start with the points Roman mentioned, and start contributing to the community. ps. and a happy new year to all! best, ronald On Dec 31, 2007 1:15 PM, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, noone responded here and pressh is still not yet officially a TU, which is not a good thing. Since noone objected I assume everyone is fine with welcoming Ronald to our community. ;-) @Ronald: sorry, this took so much time... Welcome abroad!
Now you have to: 1. send the output of htpasswd -n <userid> to Simo (htpasswd is in apache package AFAIR) 2. contact Eric to change your account on forums 3. ask some TU for the #archlinux-tu @ freenode key (I'm not sure if you can catch me because of my "no internet" status) 4. add yourself to http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users 5. read http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_Trusted_User_Guidelines and http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AURtools_Tutorial again 6. start contributing!
-- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
participants (22)
Aaron Schaefer
Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino
Alexander Fehr
Bjørn Lindeijer
Callan Barrett
Douglas Soares de Andrade
Eric Belanger
Giovanni Scafora
Hugo Doria
Jaroslaw Swierczynski
Jesse Woo
Mathias Burén
Mikko Seppälä
Robert Emil Berge
Roman Kyrylych
Ronald van Haren
Shinlun Hsieh
Varun Acharya
Vinay Shastry