The shutter package in AUR has been the source of some consternation
Besides having been out of date for some time, there are several changes
that need to be made for it to work right with Arch's current perl version.
This has been complained about for some time and the current maintainer has
been unresponsive. I offered to take over if they did not want to maintain
it on 6-13 and again last week. So far there has been no response.
Can this package be disowned so I or somebody else can adopt and fix it?
The vim-colors-solarized-git ( package is
not really out of date, but it has a version number 20131007 hardcoded in,
but also has a pkgver function that changes that date when makepkg is
called, but this date is from 2011 when the last commit to the git
repository was made. This causes the package to appear out of date to aur
helpers and other packages that check for updates of aur packages.
I have emailed the maintainer two weeks ago (12 June) asking them to fix
this (it only requires a simple update to the pkgver) but I haven't
received a response so I'm asking for the package to be orphaned.