* on Wednesday, 19.08.15 at 11:24 +0000, notify@aur.archlinux.org <notify@aur.archlinux.org> wrote:
Light2Yellow [1] filed a deletion request for telegram-git [2]:
There is a telegram-cli-git now, which doesn't provide misunderstanding in package names. Author of this package refused to rename it in comments.
While not the author but the maintainer, I did not refuse to rename but pointed out that renaming was not necessary at the time because 1) users would automatically find the telegram-gui package when searching for telegram, and 2) the description of this package clearly says CLI so that it can not be mistaken for the GUI version. Many people are already using this package and a rename could be confusing to those users. So there are pros and cons to a rename and I am not totally against it if trusted users find this a good idea. Daan