MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for sdl2-nox [2]: Orphan, outdated package, last changed a year ago. Last comment is from 2018. I recommend deletion. Not just because of its maintenence status. But also because of the fact that in this day and age, "nox" designation is misleading. It was meant to mean "no X(.org server)", but was synonymous to "headless", a.k.a. "no GUI". However, nowadays there is Wayland, so "no X" could also mean "Wayland-only". One can only guess, based on build configuration parameters, that this is headless. However, this is not truly "no X" in the sense that it depends on mesa, which uses libx11 client-side libraries (there is no "mesa- nox"). Also, I'm not sure how SDL2 can be useful without GUI support, as this is meant for audiovisual applications (games and other multimedia programs). (Maybe automated testing purposes?) In any case, no package specifically depends on it, except for the long-abandoned and broken ffmpeg-nox-git from 2021, which I've submitted for deletion (PRQ#43348) on 2023-07-01. [1] [2]