As maintainer, I have told this person repeatedly that I cannot help with the fact the Lazarus maintainer has declared a conflict in between QT and GTK+ runtime libraries. As I use GTK+ based desktops and window managers, I believe that it is my choice to support what I use. I have tried to create a.split package but for the life of me I can't make makedepends work on such

It is a total fabrication that I have violated the code of conduct. My style is open and direct and  in my 40 years on BITNET, UUNET and the Internet I have always had great interactions with people unless they try to behave like bratty children. This person in particular has an entitled antagonistic communication style and  emotional attachment to irrelevant matters unrelated to technical issues.

I am willing to accept a.comaintainer that can fix the split package problem if possible and if the solution proposed works to satisfaction, relinquish package ownership to said comaintainer.

El 2 de junio de 2024 13:16:15 UTC, escribió:
xiota [1] filed an orphan request for winff [2]:

This package has incorrect makedepends that is disruptive for some
users. Maintainer was notified multiple times by different users in
2021, 2023, 2024, but has refused to correct it, saying "Not my
problem". He has also been pushing misinformation and blaming Arch
Extra repo.

I am not participating in comments because this maintainer has been
aggressively hostile toward me on numerous occasions, in violation of
Arch code of conduct. Nor am I flagging the package because the
maintainer previously intentionally introduced malicious behavior into
a package after it had been flagged. When I brought these complaints
to TU/PM, I was told that malicious packages are not a valid reason to

I am opening this orphan request because users are being negatively
affected by this maintainers' actions. Given the timespan that the
package has been in a poor state, it should be considered effectively
unmaintained and orphaned so someone can fix it.
