I'm sorry, I am pretty new to the aur, and are still learning.
The ArchWiki is a great source of information for reading up on the AUR. A good start regarding your current issue and a very brief summary of how orphan request are handled may be found here [1].
If my before mentioned suggestion is against the rules, would a package like visual-studio-code-insiders not be allowed? They have a part in their PKGBUILD to auto fetch the latest version.
I would put the `-insiders` suffix into the same category as a `-git` suffix as Microsoft uses their insider channel for rolling updates. Hence, IMHO the PKGBUILD fetching the most recent version is fine in this case. Please also note that even if you were to find a package in the AUR that would not follow the guidelines regarding the VCS naming convention (see [2]) would not mean it is okay to break them.
Regarding you saying that an orphan request is not a good way to engage in this sort of discussion, it there a way to revoke my request?
I am not aware of an option to do so.