This request was already rejected. Would stop making a fool of yourself?

To the AUR managers, as the maintainer, I consider this harassment. Thank you.

El 16 nov. 2023 6:18 p. m., escribió:

xiota [1] filed an orphan request for otf-literata [2]:

otf-literata and ttf-literata contain mutually incompatible replaces
directives.  Not only is the use of the replaces directive in
opposition to the AUR submission guidelines, but in some use case
scenarios, they cause problems for the user.  These include third-
party binary repositories, custom local repositories, and some aur

Start by installing otf-literata.  On upgrade, pacman will present the
following messages.  Users who do not accept will be presented with
these messages every single time they try to upgrade their system.

:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata? [Y/n]
:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata-opticals? [Y/n]
:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata-webfonts? [Y/n]
:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata-webfonts-opticals?

Users who accept the replacement are presented with the following
messages at the next upgrade.  Similarly, if they do not accept, they
will see these messages every time they try to upgrade their system.

:: Replace ttf-literata with custom/otf-literata? [Y/n]
:: Replace ttf-literata-opticals with custom/otf-literata? [Y/n]
:: Replace ttf-literata-webfonts with custom/otf-literata? [Y/n]
:: Replace ttf-literata-webfonts-opticals with custom/otf-literata?

If they do accept, they are returned to the previous state and set of

:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata? [Y/n]
:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata-opticals? [Y/n]
:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata-webfonts? [Y/n]
:: Replace otf-literata with custom/ttf-literata-webfonts-opticals?

Back and forth, ad infinitum, until they uninstall all literata fonts
or uninstall the repositories or aur helpers.

This is unacceptable user-hostile behavior for a set of font packages.
Since the same maintainer owns both packages, and has explicitly
refused to fix them, it may be inferred that this is intentional
malicious behavior on the part of the maintainer.

These packages should be orphaned to prevent this maintainer from
harming users so that someone else can correct the issue.
