Sorry, I missed that. I jumped the gun on the means of requesting adding.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 9:01 AM Fabio Loli <> wrote:
Il 15/12/22 11:35, ha scritto:
> kode54 [1] filed an orphan request for yuzu-mainline-bin [2]:
> I would like to be added as a co-maintainer of this project, at least
> in case the current maintainer runs aground of updates temporarily. I
> use this project and have been manually updating the PKGBUILD locally
> as updates have come out.
> [1]
> [2]

The pinned comment on the AURweb page literally say: "Looking for
co-maintainers, please let me know if you'd like to co-maintain."

So contact them instead of filling an orphan request

(pkgbuild is flagged OOD for 5 days now)