In theory, the rules for the modsec module are the same and can be interchanged for all solutions. In the modsecurity-crs package, the rules are installed in /etc/http. This one is not used by either nginx or angie and is specific to apache. If you look at my PKGBUILD, the rules are installed with read-only permissions and to the directory for angie/nginx. In theory, we can together make a dynamic PKGBUILD, which will install rules in the directory, depending on the installed reverse-proxy. You can combine the packages (I'm ready to be a co-maintainer) or leave them as they are, it's up to you to decide.
Thank you for the answer, I've left a comment to the modsecurity-crs package maintainer to co-maintain the package together and informed him with this email message. I'll accept the deletion request and the package will be removed as it essentially provides the same thing with only minor packaging changes. Best regards -- Fabio Castelli aka Muflone