Hello, everyone

The reason is that lua-lpeg makes lua-luajson broken, the issue in comments shows clearly, the maintainer insist on the words that the pkg is not broken yet, everything runs okay.

I already pointed some patches for that, maintainer always send blind spam to me and continue saying nothing broken

So crazy

Best regards


On 2024-03-26 17:26, Benoit Brummer wrote:

The package is up to date and works. (I use it on a regular basis.) Dependencies have not changed (namely lua-lpeg which is also up to date in the main repository).

malacology keeps insisting that I "fix" this package but refuses to point out anything non-functional.

On 3/26/24 07:12, notify@aur.archlinux.org wrote:
malacology [1] filed an orphan request for lua-luajson [2]:

Maintainer didn't want to fix the pkg with depends changed and
upstream patch

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/malacology/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/lua-luajson/

Guoyi Zhang
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School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of New South Wales
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