28 Apr
28 Apr
11:41 a.m.
2015-04-23 8:02 GMT-03:00 <notify@aur.archlinux.org>:
Tido.com [1] filed a orphan request for redmine [2]:
I would be willing to adopt this package
Over 5 weeks since the release (2015-03-16) Over 4 weeks since it was flagged out of date (2015-03-20)
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/Tido.com/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/redmine/
the package is still being updated, not as fast as some as asking for the sake of system stability.
best regards --- Eduardo M. Machado
I already replied to the email notifying the orphan's request, but didn't received a reply canceling or confirming it. Anything wrong? best regards, - Eduardo.