On 9/21/21 20:58, Alex Henrie wrote:
On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 12:01 AM Amin Vakil <info@aminvakil.com> wrote:
On 9/20/21 20:38, Alex Henrie wrote:
On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 12:19 AM <notify@aur.archlinux.org> wrote:
aminvakil [1] filed a deletion request for petalinux-v2020.1 [2]:
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/petalinux-v2021.1/ is already present.
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/aminvakil/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/petalinux-v2020.1/
I'm surprised that petalinux-v2020.1, petalinux-v2020.2, and petalinux-v2020.3 were deleted from the AUR. It would be nice to have the older versions in the AUR because the latest version (2021.1) is not 100% compatible. And the AUR has lots of old versions of other packages like gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin, so why not petalinux?
$ yay -Ssq gcc-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-92 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-83 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-63 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-72 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-73 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-102 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-93 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-49 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-82 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin
Thanks for bringing this up, I've submitted deletion requests for all of them as well.
Are you going to delete all the old versions of GCC for x86 too (gcc34, gcc43, gcc44, gcc45, gcc46, gcc47, gcc48, gcc49, gcc5, gcc53, gcc6, gcc7, gcc8, gcc9)? And if so, why? gcc10 was even promoted out of the AUR.
Arch Wiki is very clear about this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AUR_submission_guidelines#Rules_of_submissi... The submitted PKGBUILDs must not build applications already in any of the official binary repositories under any circumstances. Check the official package database for the package. If any version of it exists, do not submit the package. If the official package is out-of-date, flag it as such. If the official package is broken or is lacking a feature, then please file a bug report. "If any version of it exists, do not submit the package." But I think gcc is a specific case which I will not get involved in submitting a deletion request for it, but I have asked about it in #archlinux-aur channel on Libera to see what are others' opinions. - Amin Vakil