MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for zim-dev [2]: VCS package in disguise, duplicate of AUR/zim-git [a], which is also an orphan. (Upstream's default branch is 'develop', so the default clone/checkout will switch to that branch even without explicitly specifying that in the source URL fragment.) @wooptoo, thank you for your valuable contribution to AUR. As a fellow regular member, I would like to ask your cooperation in making it a habit to check if there are existing package(s) for the codebase that you would submit a PKGBUILD for plus the type of the source (fixed-release or 'rolling' with every new revision/commit of a version control system - VCS). As AUR/zim-git is an orphan, it would be welcome if you chose to adopt it and become its maintainer. Also please keep in mind the AUR submission guidelines when it comes to package naming. A VCS package has to have a relevant pkgname suffix - in this case, '*-git'. Your zim-dev PKGBUILD seems very good, and your explicit declaration of the git branch to use is commendable and in accordance with best practice. Can you maybe adapt that PKGBUILD for the 'zim-git' pkgname and submit that to the latter AUR repo? Thank you in advance, for your understanding and cooperation! [a]: [1] [2]