(resending this to include Andreas' email address) Andreas, I think you can use the following package for the same: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vmdebootstrap-pureos On 20 August 2023 14:36:00 GMT+02:00, Andreas Grapentin <andreas@grapentin.org> wrote:
Hi, I used to maintain this package before it was removed. I don't think deleting this package from the AUR was the best way forward.
While it is true that it has been deprecated on debian, and has been orphaned by the original authors for a while, it was still a useful tool and much simpler than the alternatives.
I would like for the package to be undeleted, if possible.
Sorry that I didn't respond to the thread earlier, I assumed that there would be more of a dialogue before the package would be actually deleted.
Thanks, Andreas.
On Aug 20 23, notify@aur.archlinux.org wrote:
Request #43571 has been Accepted by muflone [1]:
[Autogenerated] Accepted deletion for vmdebootstrap.