Request #59704 has been Accepted by alerque [1]: This packages is incorrectly neamed at the least, element-desktop-bin would be the correct name. If there is a reason for it to exist at all please upload under the correct name. That being said there does not seem to be any stated reason a bin package is needed at all. For packages than exist in [extra] -bin variants are typically not allowed unless there is a clear reason to do so. E.g. for Haskell packages a -bin variant can be useful to get a static binary instead of the dynamically linked ones Arch builds. Electron packages can sometimes have reasons to use the upstream provided build, but I don't see any such reasoning here. If the [extra] package needs something fixed, report that as a bug first. If it cannot be addressed with system electron stuff, then clearly explain why in the future -bin package. Thanks. [1]