Hi, Artoo, On Sundays 08 March 2015 20:18:44 artoo wrote:
I would protest a deletion, since I regard the package name better and more specific than "nosystemd". It is simply a service to the arch community to upload these packages also to AUR, no matter they are also used by manjaro. I won't start to maintain two versions of the same package just for sake of naming issue. Same PKGBUILDS are used in our binary repos.
About packages naming. Yes, at the moment I don't find any reference to how such packages should be named in the Wiki. But, just a second let's imagine the user who installs the system without systemd. Search for "pm-utils" gives only the discussed package [1]. Whereas search for "nosystemd" gives a lot of related results [2]. So tell me please what is name a better for the user experience? 1. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=pm-utils 2. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=nosystemd
Anyway, if you delete this package, please delete all my packages and I am done with AUR.
Can I leave this remark without any comments? =) Also I've CCed this email to the aur-request@ ML, because all related discussions should take place on it. -- Sincerely yours, Evgeniy Alekseev email: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru