The makefile issue has been fixed upstream and is in the latest stable release—to which I have updated the package. Sorry about the confusion, I was mistakenly testing the -git version of this package and thought the issue was previously resolved.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 5:52 PM, Muflone <> wrote:

The package git-crypt is broken like @hobarrera reported you in the
Even if you recently updated the package (last update is 2015-06-13) the
package remains broken.
On 2015-06-09 hobarrera asked us to orphan this package but no real
fixes were made to address the broken issue. You still have 3 days to
fix this package, after that we'll accept the orphan request.
If you want to keep this package please update it and fix it or the
package ownership will go to hobarrera.


Fabio Castelli aka Muflone