25 Mar
25 Mar
2:22 p.m.
Eli Schwartz via aur-requests <aur-requests@archlinux.org> writes:
By abandonware do you mean you're no longer maintaining it? Because it does appear to be being developed upstream... OTOH it is definitely partially a duplicate of e.g. the separately packaged pngcrush in community (and does not have a very discoverable name).
-- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User
By abandonware I mean it is not actively developed upstream, at least everything in the project's scope but pngcrush, and pngcrush is in [community]. The pmt package as it is packaged now does not include pngcrush. For instance the pngmeta sources are 17 years old. If at all we should package thes tools seperately. Sincerely Stefan