Nothing depends on this broken EOL waterfox package anymore. Upstream only maintains WaterFox, for which the current release version is G6.0. The letter 'G' is a (permanent) part of the version string, but not part of the application's name. Upstream also does not maintain 'LTS' / 'ESR' legacy branches. So there is no reason to keep any 'waterfox-g*' packages on AUR. There's a properly named 'waterfox' [a] and 'waterfox-bin' [b] pkg now. (The latter is up-to-date, the former is in need of some maintainer attention.) [a]: [b]: On 1 September 2023 22:01:41 GMT+02:00, wrote:
MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for waterfox-g3-bin [2]:
Waterfox G3 version line is out of development since 2021: last G3 release date is September 15, 2021. [a]
This package is reported defunct as per last user feedback:
"tbb commented on 2022-12-25: it keeps crashing :("
The current main version line of WaterFox is G5, and the website no longer offers WaterFox G3 for download. [b]
I don't see any point in keeping this non-working package on AUR; there are PKGBUILDs for the current WaterFox here.
[a]: [b]:
[1] [2]