El sáb, 23 mar 2024 a las 15:24, sL1pKn07 SpinFlo (<sl1pkn07@gmail.com>) escribió:

El sáb, 23 mar 2024 a las 15:08, Marcell Meszaros (<marcell.meszaros@runbox.eu>) escribió:
On 22 February 2024 20:58:03 GMT+01:00, notify@aur.archlinux.org wrote:
>MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for wxwidgets-light [2]:
>Unmaintained since 2023-07-31, and currently several point releases
>older than repo's wxwidgets ( vs 3.2.4).
>But this is also apparently unused, as no one flagged it.
>And it's not beneficial to keep. This package is not compatible with
>repo's wxwidgets-gtk3. and therefore most downstream dependent builds
>cannot use it, e.g. due to its divergent naming of the relevant wx-
>config executable.
>But no one complained - again, an evidence of disuse.
>This also cannot be coinstalled e.g. with repo's veracrypt (which I
>It also builds and puts the headless wxbase into wxwidgets-common-
>light - another divergence from repo's corresponding package, which
>does no such thing.
>Even if configured properly, this build would still break many reverse
>dependencies - those that need multimedia capabilities - as it omits
>gstreamer support.
>Therefore I don't see any benefit in keeping this. Maybe one person
>(submitter) would disagree, but no one else has shown any indication
>that they would needs this build.
>Enough to keep repo's wxwidgets (and AUR's wxwidgets-git).
>[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/MarsSeed/
>[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/wxwidgets-light/

Even after the update right after my deletion request was submitted ( →3.2.4-2), the gtk3 package is still not compatible with repo's counterpart.

And it still cannot be installed together with e.g. repo's veracrypt.

Useless to keep this partially broken partial duplicate.

Zero logs, user not proves what failed.

of course not install with veracrypt because this package not provide any support to gstreamer, and is not the intention. if you want use veracrypt, use [extra] wxwidgets-foo


if you mean "advertencia: no se pudo resolver «wxwidgets-gtk3>=3.2», una dependencia de «veracrypt»", fixed

and again, this ML is not for support,a and again, use the package comments for this type of things
