Jun 28, 2023 18:34:19 notify@aur.archlinux.org:
MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for xrasengan [2]:
Discontinued since 2016. [a]
I don't agree that this is "discontinued", simply that it is a straightforward wrapper and didn't require ongoing development. The repo is not archived, and she last issue was reported in 2016 as well. No need to continually make commits for no reason.
Wrongly packaged as per comment a year ago by a Manjaro maintainer.
But seems no user needs this.
This software is mentioned on the wiki [3] to prevent crashes on X with multimonitor setups. It's badly packaged, but most users wouldn't notice anyway since those missing deps are commonly already on the users' systems. Hence no complaints except from someone attentive to packaging. I believe an orphan request makes more sense here. [3]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Xrandr#Avoid_X_crash_with_xrasengan - éclairevoyant