On Fri, 30 Oct 2015 09:27:56 +0100 Óscar García Amor <ogarcia@moire.org> wrote:
Sorry, but
1. The real name of app is slack-desktop not slack-chat (see the sources). 2. The slack-chat is unmaintained (Flagged out-of-date 2015-10-05 and last update 2015-09-28). 3. The slack-chat package does not fulfill the AUR guidelines.
Sorry, but none of that is important. 1. No, it's not. Just because it's the desktop version of the program doesn't make that the name of the app. 2. The only thing important about the dates you give is that they show that slack-chat has existed longer so slack-desktop is a duplicate, which is not allowed in the AUR. If it's no longer maintained, you request that it be orphaned, you don't create duplicates. 3. The slack-desktop package virtualy the same, except the current maintainer removed the contributor info. Bad form. If there's a problem, notify the maintainer to fix it. 4. Dont' top post.