On 23 March 2024 12:46:55 GMT+01:00, notify@aur.archlinux.org wrote:
Request #58056 has been Rejected by Foxboron [1]:
submit a deletion request.
Hi @Foxboron, Please kindly help me, I am at a loss here. I would like to understand your view on what the actual, practical difference would have been in this particular case between a merge and a delete. Maintainer originally create this fork package, but it is a Git VCS build, so I advised them to change the pkgname and resubmit with a '-git' suffix. Which they were kind enough to do. So in real-world human logic, this is a rename. AUR guidelines say that a merge type request is used for such cases. Would there have been any harm if you accepted the merge request? (As far as I know, an AUR merge, once accepted by PM, is an automated process, with no manual labor involved, so there is no additional work burden. Am I wrong in this assumption? Also, again AFAIK, a merge does not create any constraint on the source pkgbase name, it does not blacklist it, does not prevent anyone in recreating that pkgbase on AUR once it's gone / hidden.) So far you are the only AUR PM / Arch Developer among everyone I've encountered during the last 3 years on AUR who did not accept this kind of merge request. Please, please kindly help me understand your line of reasoning, to better able to adhere to your guidelines and best practices. Thank you in advance! Cheers, Marcell (MarsSeed)