But it DOES build !!! Just now did same. Really. Honest 'injun. truly. AND it DOES supply the "docs" package to the main program; gnucash-git. (Which also builds and runs too.)

On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 3:46 PM Marcell Meszaros <marcell.meszaros@runbox.eu> wrote:
It is not useful to keep a package that fails to build due to (make)depending on deprecated, unmaintained, broken package(s).

On 19 December 2023 21:04:28 GMT+01:00, nmlibertarian@gmail.com wrote:
This should remain separate much as the gnucash version release and gnucash-docs version release are separate in the extra repos. FURTHER, it is up to date and does compile and work, as does gnucash-git.

Best regards - Not_Anonymous

On Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 6:48 AM <notify@aur.archlinux.org> wrote:
MarsSeed [1] filed a request to merge gnucash-docs-git [2] into
gnucash-git [3]:

Not useful to keep the broken pkgbase=gnucash-docs-git.

It was last changed in 2015, and has been failing to build since at
least 2020 due to makedepends=rarian's reported FTBFS that year, which
persists to this day.

But no one noticed. gnucash-docs-git has only 2 votes, and 1 comment
from maintainer made in 2017.

Extra repo has the latest stable gnucash and gnucash-docs.

If the rolling 'git' docs is needed, it is best to enable it in the
main gnucash-git's PKGBUILD. With this merge, it will become possible
in the latter to create a split package with the same 'gnucash-docs-
git' name.

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/MarsSeed/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/gnucash-docs-git/
[3] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/gnucash-git/