Dear Janne, On 01/24/2017 10:09 AM, Janne Heß wrote:
Yes. I didn't take the mail seriously and I still don't. I'm sorry but I don't see any reason for disowning.
Since I have been really active in the Mattermost community and since I'm an Arch Linux contributor, the Mattermost team asked me if they could have only one person managing the Mattermost related packages on the AUR, for ease of communication, practical usage, etc. Also, I'm in the process to migrate the official Mattermost documentation related to Arch Linux, back, where it should be, i.e. in the Arch Linux wiki. [1] I answered I could maintain the whole Mattermost packages stack, but this will require me to contact each maintainer individually. This is why I contacted you and, as agreed, you put me as a co maintainer. The only issue I have with being a co-maintainer is that I do not have full rights to the package (inability to rename, etc.) and due to a bug in AUR web, we do not have an easy access to packages we co-maintain (until a patch is proposed in AUR, we need to check for the package name manually). This is why I asked you that I become the official maintainer. The only way to do this is to disown the package, I readopt it and I put you as a co-maintainer immediately. But since it seems you are not willing to do so, I'll leave the situation as it. Any way, as a co-maintainer, I still have commits rights. Regards, [1] -- William Gathoye <>