
I have nothing against giving up my keeweb-desktop package. This is my first aur MR is any action required from my side ? 

Le dim. 21 juil. 2019 à 01:33, <notify@aur.archlinux.org> a écrit :
sikmir [1] filed a request to merge keeweb-desktop [2] into keeweb-
desktop-bin [3]:

Currently we have 5 AUR packages for KeeWeb Desktop app:
1) keeweb (uses git+tag=1.8.2, but should download release .tar.gz
with sources, and maybe keeweb-desktop is a better name for it)
2) keeweb-desktop (uses binaries in .zip from release, should be moved
into keeweb(-desktop)-bin)
3) keeweb-desktop-bin (uses binaries in .deb from release, duplicates
4) keeweb-devel (uses git+branch=develop, should be moved into
5) keeweb-git (uses git+branch=master, duplicates keeweb-devel,
develop branch is more appropriate for -git package here)

So, finally, the following set of packages looks more correct:
1) keeweb(-desktop) (release .tar.gz sources + build from sources)
2) keeweb(-desktop)-bin (release .zip binaries)
3) keeweb(-desktop)-git (git+branch=develop)

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/sikmir/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/keeweb-desktop/
[3] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/keeweb-desktop-bin/