That kind of reasoning makes sense for the official repositories where (binary)packages are distributed and there is a non trivial cost associated with that distribution. The AUR is mostly about sharing PKGBUILDs and the cost of having a PKGBUILD on the AUR is basically non existing and is mostly payed by me in terms of the time I spent maintaining it or defending its existence. So even if no one is using this, what harm does this do that warrants removing? On 2023-07-02 17:27:40, Marcell Meszaros wrote:
+1 for @gromit's observation.
As this is a Python2 library, to be consumed by other Python2 packages, I see no need to keep it on AUR. Because nothing depends on it.
On 2 July 2023 17:20:15 GMT+02:00, Christian Heusel <> wrote:
On 23/06/30 08:40AM, Arvedui wrote:
I think this can still be usefull and should not be deleted.
Whats the usecase? As far as I can tell there is a python3 variant of this module ...
cheers, gromit