Within the comment to the (once again unwarranted) out-of-date flag the OP claims the removal of Distutils in Python 3.12 will make meteo-qt incompatible with the recent Python packaging standards as defined in PEP 517. This is wrong. Python 3.12 does not come with changes relevant in this regard. Of course, meteo-qt will have to be adopted to those standards in the long run. But this should certainly happen upstream, not at the packaging stage. However, meteo-qt is currently relying on some features provided by Distutils only. And this does make it incompatible with Python 3.12. I've just filed an upstream bug addressing both aspects [1]. Thus, everything that can reasonably be done is done, there is no need for "maintainer attention" and this request is invalid. [1] https://github.com/dglent/meteo-qt/issues/144