xavierbaez [1] filed an orphan request for motivewave-latest-bin [2]: The maintainer of `motivewave-latest-bin` has been duplicating the package. Now he is stating he is victim of a "verbally abusive" and spammed the comments of `motivewave`, `motivewave-latest-bin`, and chaotic-aur github. However, he is the one that went to create a duplicate and re-added motivewabe-latest-bin. Xiota has asked to avoid with the duplicate package but today, because of one line of code, he decided to ask for a package to be orphaned (so he can use it with his copy + paste) package of 'motivewave- latest-bin'. Xiota claims " He was asked to stop multiple times, but still writes personal attacks when he decides to reply to attempts to notify him of package defects." The problem is he should avoid using AUR as a place to misuse stuff, and use revengeful behaviour. [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/xavierbaez/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/motivewave-latest-bin/