Thank you, Eli. That's an interesting example.

I've got the idea. Let's the package stay as is.

Have a nice time,

пн, 3 сент. 2018 г. в 14:07, Eli Schwartz <>:
On 9/3/18 3:25 AM, Felixoid wrote:
> Good day's time Eli and Yen,
> I hope you are well.
> First of all, Eli, thank you for the answer. You are right, and it's
> difficult for me to call my own "deprecation way" somehow but "stupid".
> I wasn't happy, of course, about it but didn't mention the proper way
> like "Merge request" one month ago. I'm sorry for it and for that fact
> that it was in AUR for almost a month.
> Because of it, I've fixed the package already.
> Nevertheless, Yen, polysh package contains not an only script by itself
> but modules in /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/, see [1]. Regarding
> this, I couldn't say, that polysh doesn't provide modules. Moreover,
> when two months ago python was upgraded from 3.6 to 3.7, the package was
> broken without any hints. That's why I've thought that it's a good idea
> to add the prefix. IMHO, it doesn't contradict with [2].

Firefox breaks (frequently!) when "icu" is updated. Notwithstanding that
it's a repository package and thusly gets rebuilt on time, does that
mean that it's proper package name should be "icu-firefox" because it
has a binary dependency on the icu package?
Maybe it should even be renamed to

Should pacman be renamed to curl-libarchive-pacman?

Should bash be renamed to readline-bash?

No, that would be silly.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User