On 19/01/2018 sL1pKn07 fabio via aur-requests wrote:
> FabioLolix [1] filed a deletion request for nodejs-fake [2]:
> pacman --assume-installed option exist
> [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/FabioLolix/
> [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/nodejs-fake/
Of course it does, but that has to be used on every update and
installation of package that has nodejs as dependency (which lets be
honest not a lot of people look into before installing a package).
pseudo package helps nvm be the only source of nodejs regardless of
installs and updates. Since the package is in aur, it doesn't have to be
used if you want to do the hassle of using --assume-installed on every
install and update. Having a choice is a good thing in my opinion.