I am the maintainer of the RTM AUR package and a daily user of the app. The TL/DR is the package is up to date, builds and runs in a clean chroot, and serves a purpose. It does not seem the package "duplicates, software abandoned by upstream, as well as illegal and irreparably broken packages" and therefore I think it should not be deleted. On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 4:47 PM <notify@aur.archlinux.org> wrote:
MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for rememberthemilk [2]:
EOL binary from 2021;
I am not sure what is meant by an EOL binary. The upstream bundled version of electron is definitely old and I recently asked what to do about it on the forums (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=300991). I have also put in a ticket upstream asking for a rebuild with a newer version of electron. I have not heard anything back. If they release a new version, I will package it. If an issue arises from outdated libraries, I will update the dependency list.
reported crashing on Arch Linux in AUR comment by @AlexP11223 on 2023-03-10.
When that comment was left, I confirmed that the package could still be built in a clean chroot and it ran fine on both my daily driver and in a cleanish chroot. I could have been a better maintainer and left a comment as such or even tried to understand why it was crashing on their machine, but to be honest, I saw libva and immediately thought it must be an nvidia/wayland issue that I am not going to be able to help with.
Upstream's desktop client app seems to be closed-source, despite being packaged together with their prebuilt version of Electron.
The upstream project is closed source, but I do not see how that is relevant to whether the package should stay on the AUR.
No newer upstream release is available.
Correct, there has not been a new upstream release since version 1.3.11 ( https://www.rememberthemilk.com/services/linux/) was released in 2021. The software is definitely on life support, but upstream seems to be keeping the web service, mobile apps, and desktop apps functional. I do not see why upstream would release a new version if there has been no development. Why should an up to date and working package be deleted?
RemembertTheMilk is primarily a web based service, so it is readily accessible via a web browser.
While the web based and mobile apps are nice, the desktop app allows for offline access and is key for people like me who spend most of their day offline (oh the horror).