'signal-desktop' is not a duplicate of 'signal' but does some things quite differently. Only really needed dependencies are installed, resulting in a much smaller download and disk footprint. 'signal-desktop' also auto-detects a Gnome environment and helps the user to make use of the tray icon functionality of Signal-Desktop. It also checks for libraries which impair the functionality of the tray icon when using KDE and instructs the user to remove them if they are not required by any other package. Last, but not least the package name seems more consistent to me for a program called 'Signal-Desktop' (AUR also provides 'signal-desktop-bin' and 'signal-desktop-beta'). notify@aur.archlinux.org wrote on 05.02.2018 19:36:
Eschwartz [1] filed a deletion request for signal-desktop [2]:
duplicate of "signal"
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/Eschwartz/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/signal-desktop/