Hi junkes,

I am the current maintainer of this package.

This package is automatically updated and usually does not require manual intervention. Right now I can successfully run `makepkg` on my machine without needing to modify anything.

This auto-updating is similar to "VCS packages" (See the corresponding wiki page ). Although this auto updating scheme usually works quite well, it frequently confuses users who mark the package as out of date. This is especially true since it doesn't have the -git or -cvs ending usually used by VCS packages.

Do you mind me asking what issues specifically you are currently having with the package? Everything works fine on my laptop except some of the documentation (and that can be viewed online).

Generally speaking I would prefer you post publicly in the comments or email me privately before making an AUR orphan request. As far as I am concerned, I am still maintaining this package (though maybe not responding as frequently as I used to).

However, I appreciate the offer to share maintenance. Although I don't see any AUR packages, your GitHub seems to show you have a good deal of Linux experience.

I have added you as a maintainer just in case you are able to help. Please let me know before making any major changes.

In case it helps, I have also explicitly bumped the pkgver in the PKBGBUILD. Although the package usually auto-updates fine, this has sometimes helped to resolve user issues in the past.

— Techcable (Nicholas)

Sep 15, 2023 1:52:24 PM notify@aur.archlinux.org:

junckes [1] filed an orphan request for zig-dev-bin [2]:

I'd like for this package to be orphaned as I have an interest in
maintaining it, and keeping said package up to date :)

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/junckes/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/zig-dev-bin/