On 9/20/21 20:38, Alex Henrie wrote:
On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 12:19 AM <notify@aur.archlinux.org> wrote:
aminvakil [1] filed a deletion request for petalinux-v2020.1 [2]:
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/petalinux-v2021.1/ is already present.
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/aminvakil/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/petalinux-v2020.1/
I'm surprised that petalinux-v2020.1, petalinux-v2020.2, and petalinux-v2020.3 were deleted from the AUR. It would be nice to have the older versions in the AUR because the latest version (2021.1) is not 100% compatible. And the AUR has lots of old versions of other packages like gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin, so why not petalinux?
$ yay -Ssq gcc-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-92 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-83 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-63 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-72 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-73 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-102 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-93 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-49 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin-82 gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin
Thanks for bringing this up, I've submitted deletion requests for all of them as well. Best Regards, Amin Vakil