First of all: this is my first contribution to a mailing list so if I did something incorrectly, please let me know. 

A rename is being discussed for the spotipy package, since the original one hasn't been updated since 2017 and its maintainer is inactive. Here's the new API's GitHub issue where this is being discussed

The package is going to be renamed on PyPi and Read The Docs, with depreciation warnings and enough time for the current users to update it. But the old version shouldn't be removed in case someone still wants to use it.

The same thing applies to the AUR packages. Currently these are python-spotipy, python-spotipy-git and python2-spotipy. The maintainers of these projects should either update it to the new API once it's ready and create the old API packages, or rename them and create a new package with the new API. And by maintainers I also mean myself. I can help by maintaining these packages if necessary.

I'd appreciate suggestions on this change and how it could be done.
