This is a meta package I created to prevent future mainline linux updates breaking zfs-dkms packages. zfs-dkms is closely tied to linux kernel versions and has a compatibility layer to add specific support for each major linux kernel release (e.g. "6.x").

So zfs-dkms has long been worried about linux kernel upgrades, a major upgrade could make dkms fail, and this happened a few times in the past since Arch is very edge on kernel version upgrades.

For users using zfs as root, this become critical if dkms is not noticed during "pacman -Syu". The system won't boot for next reboot.

This meta package will be updated for each zfs release, and updating the linux kernel version upperbounds accordingly.

<> 于 2023年8月13日周日 00:34写道:
MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for zfs-dkms-helper [2]:

Unneeded new metapackage. Name doesn't make sense, and description is
also not really understandable.

Users can install any linux kernel and the zfs-dkms module for it, or
a kernel-specific zfs module. This package does not add anything
useful, and it also has a hidden upper version constraint, which is
