Sorry, the package list in the previous mail is missing some "2"s. The correct list of packages that should be removed is as follows:
- elektronn
- elektronn-git
- python-elektronn2
- python-elektronn2-git
- python2-elektronn2
- python2-elektronn2-git

Martin Drawitsch

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Martin Drawitsch <> wrote:
Hello, I am the maintainer of the "elektronn" projects and of their AUR packages (AUR account name: drawm). Since all of the following packages are broken due to depending on an old version of theano which is no longer in the AUR, I kindly request the removal of these packages from the AUR:
- elektronn
- elektronn-git
- python-elektronn
- python-elektronn-git
- python2-elektronn
- python2-elektronn-git

These packages can still be installed on via virtualenv/pip and conda.

Martin Drawitsch