15 Jul
15 Jul
2:26 a.m.
eschwartz [1] filed a deletion request for rust-nightly-osdev [2]: Installs rust-nightly using sh.rustup.rs into /opt, then chmod 777 so that anyone can modify it for "update" purposes. Please. That's why community/rustup exists. There are several other PKGBUILD violations, including the use of curl in pkgver=$() for dynamically updating versions, compiling with cargo install during package(), or installing the symlinks in /usr/bin using install scripts rather than package(). But fixing these would not help, since it would still be a duplicate of using rustup. [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/eschwartz/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/rust-nightly-osdev/