The request was a potential merge of ptscotch-openmpi to scotch.
Would the packages openfoam* be really broken? ptscotch-openmpi is provided by scotch (it's in the "provides" list)...
in such case it wouldn't be "broken" but as far I remember the AUR helpers cannot find the right dependencies based on provides . Therefore the package openfoam wouldn't be BROKEN but during the install phase it **should** claim about some unsolved dependencies and will refuse to build.
I brought up this issue in aur-general a month ago. kragacles (of openfoam) and jedbrown (of ptscotch-openmpi) seemed to agree.
Maybe I missed (and I cannot find in the archives) the aur-general discussion where the maintainers would abandon their packages in favour of yours, agreeing to the merge, so please send us a link where I can see the whole discussion. Regards -- Fabio Castelli aka Muflone