El vie, 6 oct 2023 9:13, Marcell Meszaros <marcell.meszaros@runbox.eu> escribió:
This library was adopted and updated, but it still does not have other packages that would utilize it.

It is still better to delete this, which in turn will allow other unneded and not very actively maintained packages, like lib32-avahi, and several of its lib32 dependencies, to be dropped as well.

Savvy users like @sl1pkn07 can install AUR/wine-wow64 if they really want to use their likely 20+ year old bin32 Windows-only scanners through wine. (Scanner support was the one reason cited by @sl1pkn07 to having a need for this package, though he failed to mention any concrete model or driver/software package that would actually benefit from having this pkg installed.)

(Around 2004-2006, Microsoft was pushing OEM's to release 64-bit software for their still in-use hardware devices, even those that were sold previously. Consequently, many printers and scanners marketed after 1999-2000 got those support software at least for the bare minimum functionality in 64-bit.)

(Also, no wine builds on AUR utilize lib32-sane, so even if someone installed the latter, it would be pointless without recompiling said wine package. But as I mentioned above, wine-wow64 works with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows software without relying on any 32-bit Linux libraries.)

Also, AUR submission guidelines say that packages kept there should be useful to more than a few user. It seems only @sl1pkn07 wants to hang on to this package.

On 22 July 2023 17:45:54 GMT+02:00, notify@aur.archlinux.org wrote:
>MarsSeed [1] filed a deletion request for lib32-sane [2]:
>Orphan package, last updated in 2021-11, no dependents.
>I flagged it OOD 2.5 years ago.
>There are no comments since 2021.
>I think it is better to delete.
>Only wine-stable-ununtu package depended on this from 2021; it has
>been deleted since.
>The new wine-wow64 package supports running 32-bit code with only
>64-bit Linux libraries.
>[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/MarsSeed/
>[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/lib32-sane/


since the last request i maintain the package in my own. if is already upload again, is by mistake (first notice the new push). can delete again

sorry :(