[PRQ#70325] Orphan Request for mingw-w64-pangomm
vitaliikuzhdin [1] filed an orphan request for mingw-w64-pangomm [2]: For over 1.5 years, the package has been building the wrong version (anything from 2.48 onwards is provided by 'mingw-w64-pangomm-2.48'). Consequently, it has been out-of-date for more than 6 months. After I filed an orphan request (which was automatically accepted), the maintainer immediately re-adopted the package before I could even 'git push'. Despite this, and even after I flagged it as out-of-date again, the issue remains unresolved. I'm unsure why, especially since the current version (2.50.1) isn't even the latest for 'mingw-w64-pangomm-2.48', which is currently at 2.56.1. [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/vitaliikuzhdin/ [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/mingw-w64-pangomm/
Request #70325 has been Rejected by vitaliikuzhdin [1]: Contacted by the maintainer directly. [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/vitaliikuzhdin/
participants (1)