Not at all. Suppose say that all the text editors where in a group called editors. Then pacman -S editors would have installed all of them, and I very much doubt the possibility that anyone will ever need every available editor. The categories on the other hand are only a way of grouping packages for easier searching/browsing through them. This becomes especially valuable when you need a package from a certain category, but you are not acquainted with all of the possible options. Say you need a video player but you're new to the world of GNU/Linux. You haven't heard of mplayer, xine, vlc. But if there is category multimedia you just scan the packages in it and try them until you like some. So I think that a category info would be a most valuable asset to .PKGINFO and the community itself... The way I see it a package can belong to several categories at once - for example totem would be in both multimedia and gnome categories. I still think, that groups are ideal for this ;-) After "pacman -S editors" you get a question if you want to install the whole group content or you wanna choose some packages by hand, this is useful for "categories" too imho. AFAIK packages can belong to multiple groups too. However, I'm not sure, that we can split groups between repos, but probably we can. Bye, ngaba
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