On 1/21/07, Jürgen Hötzel <juergen@hoetzel.info> wrote:
The po files needs to be updated too. Many msgids are already out of sync.
I'm not completely familiar with how po files work, but I am guessing they are out of date and/or missing translations. Depending on our eventual release, we should send out some requests to people for any translations they can help us with. Before this point, we should set ourselves a deadline for changing text output in pacman. I believe this was mentioned in another email by Aaron, but moving the logging out of the backend would have another advantage- it allow us to not need translation in the library. I guess there could be more text in the backend that I'm not sure about, but I haven't looked closely enough. I'm sure we could generate some interest on the forums for translations to multiple languages if we give enough advance notice. -Dan