On 27/09/12 02:13, Christian Hesse wrote:
Dave Reisner <d@falconindy.com> on Wed, 2012/09/26 11:37:
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 04:54:04PM +0200, Christian Hesse wrote:
Hello everybody,
I have just installed pacman-git v4.0.3.402.g2abe1f1-1. Everything works just fine except one thing: package signing does not work though it is requested in makepkg.conf with BUILDENV=(... sign). Giving --sign to makepkg works, however. What is wrong with the BUILDENV array in makepkg.conf?
This isn't git specific -- signing behaves the same way in 4.0.3. You need to specify your key shorthash, e.g. GPGKEY=F56C0C53 in makepkg.conf as well. The setting is just below the 'PACKAGER' variable in the default shipped config.
I have tried with my mail address as well as the shorthash, both do not work. No problem with pacman 4.0.3.
Just took a look at the source code... create_signature() at line 1806 returns without any action if SIGNPKG does not equal to "y". But SIGNPKG is only set to "y" with --sign, no matter what check_buildenv returns.
The attached patch fixes this for me.
@Dave: this is fallout of 9dd42dc0. Can you take a look? Allan