On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 15:55:32 -0400 Dave Reisner wrote:
How about ranking mirrors by a metric that's actually meaningful? rankmirrors uses ping, which is utterly worthless, as you're seeing right here. Mirror selection should be based on:
Aah, I always use tcping (or is it hping) for testing tcp connectivity. Does it not check throughput and such.
1) locality (and hopefully that correlates with speed) 2) update-to-date-ness
We provide a tool on www.archlinux.org [1] that offers this already. If you suffer from the inability to make decisions, you can use Reflector, which merely parses a JSON representation of this page and suggests something for you.
Well I chose the servers well manually, one night I guess the ISP UK2 was moving some data around or something because it went really slow so I added rankmirrors to my update script.