On 08/07/14 at 08:46pm, Dave Reisner wrote:
This implements support for declarations such as:
arch=('i686' 'x86_64') ...
source=("somescript.sh") source_i686=("http://evilmonster.com/i686/ponies-9001-1.i686.bin") source_x86_64=("http://evilmonster.com/i686/ponies-9001-1.x86_64.bin")
md5sums=('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e') md5sums_i686=('e4ca381035a34b7a852184cc0dd89baa') md5sums_x86_64=('4019740e6998f30a3c534bac6a83f582')
Just the same as the "untagged" sources, multiple integrity algorithms are supported. The manpage is updated to reflect support for these suffices. --- doc/PKGBUILD.5.txt | 4 ++ scripts/makepkg.sh.in | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 2 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
@@ -710,8 +742,8 @@ download_sources() { GET_VCS=0 fi
- local netfile - for netfile in "${source[@]}"; do + get_all_sources_for_arch 'all_sources' + for netfile in "${all_sources[@]}"; do pushd "$SRCDEST" &>/dev/null
local proto=$(get_protocol "$netfile")
@@ -2065,8 +2131,10 @@ create_srcpackage() { msg2 "$(gettext "Adding %s...")" "$BUILDSCRIPT" ln -s "${BUILDFILE}" "${srclinks}/${pkgbase}/${BUILDSCRIPT}"
- local file - for file in "${source[@]}"; do + local file all_sources + + get_all_sources all_sources 'all_sources'
It looks like get_all_sources only takes one argument but you're passing two.
+ for file in "${all_sources[@]}"; do if [[ "$file" = "$(get_filename "$file")" ]] || (( SOURCEONLY == 2 )); then local absfile absfile=$(get_filepath "$file") || missing_source_file "$file"
Doesn't this break --allsource packages? This attempts to add *all* sources but only the arch-specific sources are ever downloaded. It should also probably be noted somewhere that all sources must have unique names even between different architectures, for example the following will confuse create_srcpackage: source_i686=( "http://evilmonster.com/i686/ponies-9001-1.bin") source_x86_64=("http://evilmonster.com/x64/ponies-9001-1.bin") apg