2007/4/24, Scott Horowitz <stonecrest@gmail.com>:
I was under the impression that, at some point, all pacman packages would include docs by default but there would be a post_install hook in pacman whereby people could specify to strip docs (post_install="stripdocs" in pacman.conf or something similar).
At least, I hope this is still the case ;) It's clean and gives users a lot of flexibility to perform additional tasks (e.g. strip unneeded locales).
Nah, stripping docs after downloading them is ...mm ...not good. ;-) I was long-time supporter for splitted packages though (-dev, -doc etc., you can see my comments about that idea in some bugreports). Though most packages don't contain anything really useful in docs, but some (e.g. for interpreters or libraries) are useful. I like Alessio's aproach to solving that -doc packages issue. -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)